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We have two factories, a fellmongery located in the North Island (Hastings) and a salting operation in the South Island (Oamaru). This provides valuable access to New Zealand’s prime livestock and skin supply catchment regions.

Our company philosophy is to provide the highest level of quality and customer service possible. The original founding shareholders were determined that Progressive Leathers would not just be another fellmongery offering more of the same.


Rather, it would be uniquely different and focus on adding value, a foundational philosophy that remains to this day. This quality ethos is now firmly established as part of the company culture.


As such, skins processed at PLL are regarded as the main product, not just a by-product from the meat industry. We recognize that satisfied customers are essential to our long-term future.


A joint-venture operation at Lean Meats Oamaru which processes salted skins, marketed by Progressive Leathers, has also been established. All marketing, shipping and administrative functions are conducted on-site at our factory in Whakatu, Hastings.

During the peak of the season, we operate a multi-shift six days a week, employing up to 90 staff. Many have been with the company since inception. The knowledge, skills and dedication that our workers bring are a valued asset to our business.

Our plant has embraced leading-edge technology combined with traditional processing methods to enhance the quality of our products, which are processed in an environmentally friendly manner and comply with local government regulations.

This includes an innovative effluent treatment system and Bio-filter, designed in conjunction with LASRA (Leather and Shoe Research Association), a recognized world authority in this area.


About us

© 2014 Progressive Leathers Ltd

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